Secure Data Exchange with JWTs and the @cross/jwt Library

by Pinta

3 min read

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) provide a secure and standardized way to transmit information between parties. They are widely used for authentication, but their ability to carry arbitrary data makes them valuable for a variety of secure data exchange scenarios. If you work with Deno, Bun, or Node.js, managing JWT workflows across these different runtimes can introduce inconsistencies and potential security risks.

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JavaScript Generators - A Beginner's Guide

by Pinta

5 min read

An image of a programmer in deep thought In the world of JavaScript, functions are our workhorses. They take input, perform some magic, and (usually) return an output. But what if you need a function to pause execution mid-way, and then pick up right where it left off, potentially multiple times? That's where generators step in.

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The Debugging Dilemma - Why So Many Beginners Give Up on Programming

by Pinta

8 min read

An image of a programmer in deep thought Programming is often portrayed as a gateway to creating incredible software, apps, and technology that can change the world. Many beginners embark on their coding journey with stars in their eyes, fueled by enthusiasm and a determination to unlock the secrets of the digital universe. However, amidst the excitement and anticipation, there's an often overlooked reality: debugging.

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Building a Sleep and Readiness Dashboard with the Oura API

by Pinta

4 min read

In today's fast-paced world, keeping an eye on our sleep and readiness scores can greatly impact our overall well-being. The Oura Ring provides valuable data on sleep quality, readiness, and more. In this guide, we'll explore how to build a Sleep and Readiness Dashboard using the Oura API, a library written primary for Deno, a next-generation JavaScript Runtime. We'll create a project that fetches Oura data and with Deno Fresh visualizes your sleep and readiness scores over the past 30 days.

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