Secure Data Exchange with JWTs and the @cross/jwt Library

by Pinta

3 min read

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) provide a secure and standardized way to transmit information between parties. They are widely used for authentication, but their ability to carry arbitrary data makes them valuable for a variety of secure data exchange scenarios. If you work with Deno, Bun, or Node.js, managing JWT workflows across these different runtimes can introduce inconsistencies and potential security risks.

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JavaScript Generators - A Beginner's Guide

by Pinta

5 min read

An image of a programmer in deep thought In the world of JavaScript, functions are our workhorses. They take input, perform some magic, and (usually) return an output. But what if you need a function to pause execution mid-way, and then pick up right where it left off, potentially multiple times? That's where generators step in.

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The Debugging Dilemma - Why So Many Beginners Give Up on Programming

by Pinta

8 min read

An image of a programmer in deep thought Programming is often portrayed as a gateway to creating incredible software, apps, and technology that can change the world. Many beginners embark on their coding journey with stars in their eyes, fueled by enthusiasm and a determination to unlock the secrets of the digital universe. However, amidst the excitement and anticipation, there's an often overlooked reality: debugging.

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Building a Sleep and Readiness Dashboard with the Oura API

by Pinta

4 min read

In today's fast-paced world, keeping an eye on our sleep and readiness scores can greatly impact our overall well-being. The Oura Ring provides valuable data on sleep quality, readiness, and more. In this guide, we'll explore how to build a Sleep and Readiness Dashboard using the Oura API, a library written primary for Deno, a next-generation JavaScript Runtime. We'll create a project that fetches Oura data and with Deno Fresh visualizes your sleep and readiness scores over the past 30 days.

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JavaScript Template Literals. A Comprehensive Guide

by Pinta

2 min read

Template literals, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), offer a powerful way to work with strings in JavaScript. They allow for easy interpolation of variables, expressions, and even multiline strings. In this guide, we'll explore the syntax, features, and best practices of template literals through numerous examples.

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